
Adrodd Storïau a Heneiddio Creadigol * Storytelling and Creative Aging


Call for Proposals - Storytelling, Self, Society 'Storytelling and Aging'

Deadline - 15 March 2023

Co-Sponsored by the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling at University of South Wales and the Awen Institute, Swansea University

This event is free but registration is essential.  
To register please visit


Thursday 19th May, 9am - 5.20pm.


A day of provocations, demonstrations, and conversations exploring the research challenges and opportunities of an aging population, which might be creatively addressed by cross-disciplinary approaches featuring various modalities of storytelling.


To stimulate discussion and facilitate collaboration between academics and practitioners from a range of disciplines. We seek to develop co-created research that will lead to innovative solutions that improve life for all of us as we age.




The event is aimed at artists, scholars, researchers, older people, and professionals in the fields of storytelling, social care, gerontology, dementia, wellness, support and services for older adults, humanities (with a particular focus on applied storytelling), and other related disciplines.

Fflach Newyddion

Galwad am Gynigion  - Storytelling, Self, Society 'Storytelling and Aging'

Dyddiad cau - 15 Mawrth 2023


19eg o Fai 2022, 9am - 5.20pm


Digwyddiad melin drafod fydd yn archwilio'r heriau a'r cyfleoedd o wneud ymchwil gyda poblogaeth sy’n heneiddio. Trwy’r defnydd o ddulliau creadigol a thrawsddisgyblaethol, gofynwn sut y gellir ysgogi ffyrdd amrywiol o adrodd storïau am heneiddio.

Y nôd: 

Datblygu’r drafodaeth a hwyluso'r broses o gydweithio rhwng academyddion ac ymarferwyr o ddisgyblaethau gwahanol. Gobeithiwn cyd-greu ymchwil fydd yn arwain at atebion arloesol wneith gwella bywydau bob un ohonom wrth i ni heneiddio.




Mae'r digwyddiad yn cael ei anelu at artistiaid, ysgolheigion, ymchwilwyr, pobl hŷn, a gweithwyr proffesiynol ym meysydd adrodd storïau, gofal cymdeithasol, gerontoleg, dementia, llesiant, cymorth a gwasanaethau i oedolion hŷn, y dyniaethau (gan ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar adrodd storïau cymhwysol), a disgyblaethau cysylltiedig eraill. 

9.00 Welcome, Prof Andrea Tales, Prof Emily Underwood-Lee

9.15 Provocation 1, Dr Jane Mullins (20 minutes presentation plus 25 minutes facilitated discussion/q&a)

10.00 Provocation 2, Prof Joseph Sobol (20 minutes presentation plus 25 minutes facilitated discussion/q&a)

10.45 Break

11.05 Provocation 3, Dr Cassandra Phoenix (20 minutes presentation plus 25 minutes facilitated discussion/q&a)

12.00 Lunch break

1.00 Keynote lecture and workshop Prof Anne Basting

3.00 Break outs: 

Participants should choose whether they wish to attend the Storytelling and Creative Aging Lounge or Facilitated Break Out Rooms

  •  Storytelling and Creative Aging Lounge

A facilitated story circle responding to themes of the conference.  

  • Facilitated Break Out Rooms

Each group will be facilitated by a senior academic from the Awen Institute team and will address 3 key questions:

  1. What are the key research challenges and opportunities presented by an increasing older population?
  2. What lateral, creative, and cross-disciplinary approaches and/or collaborations might help us to address these challenges and opportunities?
  3. What research questions and methods might address these challenges and opportunities?

N.B. The facilitated breakouts are intended for research active practitioners who are interested in developing collaborative grant applications.

5.00 Closing comments, Prof Emily Underwood-Lee

5.20 Close

Dr Anne Basting is an artist, scholar, and educator committed to the power of the arts and culture to transform our lives as individuals and communities. She is Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, where she is Director of the Center for 21st Century Studies. She is Founder of and a Creative Strategist for the award-winning non-profit TimeSlips.

“Basting's innovative work as both a community-engaged artist and scholar has been recognized by a MacArthur Fellowship, an Ashoka Fellowship, a Rockefeller Fellowship, and multiple major grants. She is author/editor of multiple books, including her latest, Creative Care (HarperOne); as well as The Penelope Project (U of Iowa), and Forget Memory (Johns Hopkins). TimeSlips fosters an alliance of artists and caregivers bringing meaning and joy to late life through creative engagement, and has over 970 certified facilitators in 49 states and 20 countries. Basting is currently working on a project inviting wonderment to everyday moments on her Instagram page (adbasting). (

Cardiff Storyteller and Singer Cath Little has “rough magic” in her voice, and in her words “the gift of the story comes through.” She has a strong belief in the power of stories to connect us to one another, to the land, and to the people who once lived here. She tells traditional stories from her Irish English heritage and her Welsh homeland. Cath enjoys re-imagining and retelling stories from The Mabinogion.

Cath helps run the Cardiff Storytelling Circle and curates their seasonal concerts, ‘Tales for the Turning Year’. She tells and listens to stories at Oasis, a Cardiff Charity which offers a warm Welsh welcome to refugees and asylum seekers. Cath keeps busy sharing stories in schools, libraries, museums, castles, cafes and fields. She has performed at festivals across Britain and Ireland and is the author of Glamorgan Folk Tales for Children. (

Dr Jane M. Mullins, author of Finding the Light in Dementia, a Guide for Families, Friends & Caregivers is a researcher at The Awen Institute, Centre for Innovative Ageing. With over 30 years’ experience in gerontological research, nursing & education, her overarching passion is to find novel and effective ways of communicating with people living with neurodegenerative conditions & stroke.

As a dementia research nurse specialist in the memory clinics of Bath & Cardiff, she provided support to people & their families/carers during their diagnosis & ongoing care. Her nursing experience includes ITU, coronary care and managing a care home where she focussed on exploring the living stories of the residents to inform their care. Her PhD, A Suitcase of Memories: a sensory ethnography of tourism and dementia with older people found novel ways of using multisensory reminiscence to stimulate communication, memory and stories, whilst rekindling the relationships of people living with dementia and their partners. She is continuing her multisensory research through a collaboration between Awen and People Speak Up; a social enterprise connecting people and creating healthy, resilient communities through storytelling, spoken word, creative writing and participatory arts. (

Dr Cassandra Phoenix is Associate Professor in Physical Activity and Health at Durham University. Her current research takes the form of two inter-related strands. The first focuses on healthy ageing across the life course with respect to the embodied health-related practices, active mobilities, and socio-environmental contexts (e.g. ageism, dis/ablism), that shape people’s ability to live long, healthy lives, and do what they have reason to value as they age. 

The second strand focuses on the connections between health, wellbeing and the environment by examining people’s engagement with and connection to “nature” (e.g. via blue/green spaces, and weather elements). This includes, for example, how nature is accessed, experienced, and given meaning in relation to health and wellbeing across the life course and the ways in which all of this is shaped and constrained by broader social forces and inequalities. (

Eleanor Shaw is Artistic Director at People Speak Up. She has worked in education and community arts for the last 20 years. She is Founder and Artistic Director of PeopleSpeakUp; a social arts, health and well-being enterprise based at The Ffwrnes Fach, Ffwrnes Theatre, Llanelli that connects communities through storytelling, spoken word, creative writing and the participatory arts. Her passion is telling her story and helping others to tell theirs. (

Prof Joseph Sobol is Professor of Storytelling and Director of the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling at the University of South Wales. Before coming to the University of South Wales Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Storytelling at East Tennessee State University, where he was a tenured Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. He is the author of Liars, Damn Liars, and Storytellers: New and Selected Essays on Traditional and Contemporary Storytelling. (

Dan Yashinsky is a well-known Canadian storyteller, author, and community organizer. Dan has performed at festivals in Israel, Sweden, Norway, Holland, England, Wales, England, Germany, Brazil, Austria, France, the U.S., Singapore, and Ireland, as well as all across Canada. He is the editor of four acclaimed collections of Canadian storytelling (Next Teller – A Book of Canadian Storytelling; Ghostwise – A Book of Midnight Stories; At The Edge – A Book of Risky Stories; Tales for an Unknown City) and the author of Suddenly They Heard Footsteps – Storytelling for the Twenty-first Century (Knopf Canada), which won the 2007 Ann Izard Storytellers’ Choice Award, and Swimming With Chaucer (Insomniac Press).

Storycare is the philosophy and practice of bringing storytelling, storylistening, and storykeeping into a healthcare setting. It was created by Dan Yashinsky, storyteller-in-residence at Baycrest, and Melissa Tafler, the social worker who coordinates the Arts in Health program.  Baycrest is a geriatric hospital and long-term care facility in Toronto.  Dan worked there from 2014-2018 developing, with Melissa, the ideas and activities that make up the “storycare” approach.  (

9.00 Croeso,  Yr Athro Andrea Tales, Yr Athro Emily Underwood-Lee

9.15 Prociad 1,  Dr Jane Mullins (20 munud o gyflwyniad ynghyd â 25 munud o drafodaeth a hwylusir/holi ac ateb)

10.00 Prociad 2, Yr Athro Joseph Sobol (20 munud o gyflwyniad ynghyd â 25 munud o drafodaeth a hwylusir/holi ac ateb)

10.45, Egwyl

11.05, Prociad 3, Dr Cassandra Phoenix (20 munud o gyflwyniad ynghyd â 25 munud o drafodaeth a hwylusir/holi ac ateb)

12.00, Egwyl Ginio

1.00, Prif ddarlith a gweithdy, Yr Athro Anne Basting

3.00, Sesiynau grŵp 

Dylai cyfranogwyr ddewis os ydynt am fynychu’r Lolfa Adrodd Storïau a Heneiddio’n Greadigol neu’r Ystafelloedd Drafod wedi’u hwyluso.

  • Lolfa Adrodd Storïau a Heneiddio Creadigol

Cylch stori wedi'i hwyluso, yn ymateb i themâu'r gynhadledd.

  •  Ystafelloedd Drafod wedi'u hwyluso.

Bydd pob grŵp yn cael ei hwyluso gan uwch academydd o dîm SefydliadAwen, a mynd i’r afael â 3 cwestiwn allweddol:

  1. Beth yw'r heriau a'r cyfleoedd ymchwil sylfaenol a gyflwynir gan boblogaeth sy’n heneiddio?
  2. Pa ddulliau a/neu gydweithrediadau dargyfeiriol, creadigol a thrawsddisgyblaethol allai ein helpu i fynd i'r afael â'r heriau a'r cyfleoedd hyn?
  3. Pa gwestiynau a dulliau ymchwil sy’n addas i’r heriau a'r cyfleoedd hyn?

N.B. Mae'r sesiynau wedi'u hwyluso wedi'u bwriadu ar gyfer ymarferwyr ymchwil gweithredol sydd â diddordeb mewn datblygu ceisiadau grant cydweithredol.

5.00 Dod â'r symposiwm i ben Yr Athro Emily Underwood-Lee

5.20 Gorffen

Mae Dr Anne Basting yn artist, ysgolhaig ac yn addysgwraig sy'n ymrwymedig i bŵer diwylliant a'r celfyddydau i drawsnewid ein bywydau, yn unigolion ac yn gymunedau. Mae'n Athro Saesneg ym Mhrifysgol Wisconsin Milwaukee, lle mae'n Gyfarwyddwr y Center for 21st Century Studies. Hi yw sylfaenydd a Strategydd Creadigol cynllun nid-er-elw arobryn TimeSlips.

Mae gwaith arloesol Basting, yn artist cymunedol ac yn ysgolhaig, wedi cael ei gydnabod trwy Gymrodoriaeth MacArthur, Cymrodoriaeth Ashoka, Cymrodoriaeth Rockerfeller, a grantiau mawr lluosog. Mae hi'n awdur/olygydd llyfrau niferus, gan gynnwys y diweddaraf ganddi, sef Creative Care (HarperOne), yn ogystal â The Penelope Project (Prifysgol Iowa), a Forget Memory (Johns Hopkins). Mae TimeSlips yn meithrin cynghrair o artistiaid a darparwyr gofal sy'n dod ag ystyr a llawenydd i ddiwedd oes trwy ymgysylltiad creadigol, ac mae gan y cynllun fwy na 970 o hwyluswyr ardystiedig mewn 49 o daleithiau ac 20 o wledydd. Ar hyn o bryd, mae Basting yn gweithio ar brosiect sy'n ennyn rhyfeddod at eiliadau bob dydd ar ei thudalen Instagram (adbasting). (

Mae gan y Storïwr a'r Gantores Cath Little o Gaerdydd “hud garw” yn ei llais, ac, yn ei geiriau, caiff “dawn y stori ei hamlygu.” Mae'n credu'n gryf ym mhŵer straeon i'n cysylltu â'n gilydd, â'r tir, ac â'r bobl a fu'n byw yno unwaith. Mae'n adrodd straeon traddodiadol o'i threftadaeth Wyddelig-Seisnig ac o'i mamwlad, Cymru. Mae'n mwynhau ailddychmygu ac ailadrodd straeon o'r Mabinogi.

Mae Cath yn helpu i redeg Cylch Adrodd Straeon Caerdydd ac yn curadu ei gyngherddau tymhorol, ‘Tales for the Turning Year’. Mae'n adrodd ac yn gwrando ar straeon yn Oasis, sef Elusen yng Nghaerdydd sy'n cynnig croeso cynnes Cymreig i ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches. Mae Cath yn cadw'n brysur yn rhannu straeon mewn ysgolion, llyfrgelloedd, cestyll, caffis a chaeau. Mae wedi perfformio mewn gwyliau ar hyd a lled Prydain ac Iwerddon, a hi yw awdur 'Glamorgan Folk Tales for Children'. (

Dr Jane M. Mullins, yw awdur 'Finding the Light in Dementia, a Guide for Families, Friends & Caregivers', ac mae'n ymchwilydd yn Sefydliad Awen, y Ganolfan ar gyfer Heneiddio Arloesol. Mae ganddi fwy na 30 mlynedd o brofiad ym maes ymchwil, nyrsio ac addysg gerontolegol, a'i hangerdd pennaf oll yw dod o hyd i ddulliau newydd ac effeithiol o gyfathrebu â phobl sy'n byw â chyflyrau niwroddirywiol a strôc.

Pan oedd yn nyrs ymchwil arbenigol ym maes dementia yn y clinigau cof yng Nghaerfaddon a Chaerdydd, roedd yn darparu cymorth i bobl a'u teuluoedd/gofalwyr pan fyddent yn cael diagnosis, ac yn ystod eu gofal parhaus. Mae ei phrofiad nyrsio yn cynnwys yr Uned Therapi Dwys, gofal coronaidd a rheoli cartref gofal lle y bu'n canolbwyntio ar archwilio straeon byw y preswylwyr er mwyn llywio eu gofal. Trwy ei gwaith PhD, 'A Suitcase of Memories: a sensory ethnography of tourism and dementia with older people', darganfu ffyrdd newydd o ddefnyddio atgofion amlsynhwyraidd i ysgogi cyfathrebu, cof a straeon, gan ailgynnau perthnasoedd pobl sy'n byw â dementia â'u partneriaid. Mae'n parhau â'i hymchwil amlsynhwyraidd trwy gydweithrediad rhwng Awen a People Speak Up, sef menter gymdeithasol sy'n cysylltu pobl ac yn creu cymunedau iach, cydnerth trwy adrodd straeon, y gair llafar, ysgrifennu creadigol a chelfyddydau cyfranogol. (

Mae Dr Cassandra Phoenix yn Athro Cysylltiol mewn Gweithgarwch Corfforol ac Iechyd ym Mhrifysgol Durham. Mae ei hymchwil gyfredol yn cynnwys dau edefyn cydgysylltiedig. Mae'r cyntaf yn canolbwyntio ar heneiddio'n iach ar hyd oes gyfan mewn perthynas â'r arferion ymgorfforedig sy'n ymwneud ag iechyd, symudedd gweithredol, a chyd-destunau cymdeithasol-amgylcheddol (e.e. rhagfarn ar sail oedran ac an/abledd), elfennau sy'n llywio gallu pobl i fyw bywydau hir ac iach, a gwneud yr hyn y mae ganddynt reswm i'w werthfawrogi wrth iddynt heneiddio.

Mae'r ail edefyn yn canolbwyntio ar y cysylltiadau rhwng iechyd, llesiant a'r amgylchedd trwy archwilio'r modd y mae pobl yn ymgysylltu â 'natur', a'u cysylltiad â hi (e.e. trwy fannau glas/gwyrdd, ac elfennau'r tywydd). Mae hyn yn cynnwys, er enghraifft, y modd y mae pobl yn cael mynediad at natur, yn ei phrofi, ac yn gweld ystyr ynddi mewn perthynas ag iechyd a llesiant ar hyd oes gyfan, ynghyd â'r ffyrdd y mae hyn oll yn cael ei siapio a'i gyfyngu gan rymoedd cymdeithasol ehangach ac anghydraddoldebau. (

Mae Eleanor Shaw yn Gyfarwyddwr Artistig gyda People Speak Up. Mae wedi gweithio ym maes addysg a chelfyddydau cymunedol am yr 20 mlynedd ddiwethaf. Hi yw Sylfaenydd a Chyfarwyddwr Artistig People Speak Up, sef menter celfyddydau cymdeithasol, iechyd a llesiant wedi'i lleoli yn Y Ffwrnes Fach, Theatr Ffwrnes, Llanelli, sy'n cysylltu cymunedau trwy'r broses o adrodd straeon, y gair llafar, ysgrifennu creadigol a'r celfyddydau cyfranogol. Mae'n teimlo'n angerddol ynghylch adrodd ei stori a helpu eraill i adrodd eu straeon nhw. (

Mae'r Athro Joseph Sobol yn Athro Adrodd Straeon ac yn Gyfarwyddwr Canolfan Adrodd Storïau George Ewart Evans ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru. Cyn iddo ddod i Brifysgol De Cymru, roedd yn Gydgysylltydd y Rhaglen Adrodd Straeon i Raddedigion ym Mhrifysgol Daleithiol East Tenessee, lle bu'n Athro â deiliadaeth yn yr Adran Cwricwlwm a Chyfarwyddyd. Ef yw awdur 'Liars, Damn Liars, and Storytellers: New and Selected Essays on Traditional and Contemporary Storytelling'. (

Mae Dan Yashinsky yn storïwr, awdur a threfnydd cymunedol adnabyddus o Ganada. Mae Dan wedi perfformio mewn gwyliau yn Israel, Sweden, Norwy, yr Iseldiroedd, Cymru, Lloegr, yr Almaen, Brasil, Awstria, Ffrainc, yr Unol Daleithiau, Singapôr, ac Iwerddon, yn ogystal â ledled Canada. Ef yw golygydd pedwar casgliad clodwiw o straeon i'w hadrodd o Ganada ('Next Teller – A Book of Canadian Storytelling'; 'Ghostwise – A Book of Midnight Stories'; 'At The Edge – A Book of Risky Stories'; 'Tales for an Unknown City') ac awdur 'Suddenly They Heard Footsteps – Storytelling for the Twenty-first Century' (Knopf Canada), a enillodd Wobr Dewis y Storïwyr Ann Izard yn 2007, a 'Swimming With Chaucer' (Insomniac Press).

Gofal straeon (Storycare) yw'r athroniaeth a'r arfer o ddod â'r broses o adrodd straeon, gwrando ar straeon a chadw straeon i mewn i leoliad gofal iechyd. Cafodd ei chreu gan Dan Yashinsky, y storïwr preswyl yn Baycrest, a Melissa Tafler, y gweithiwr cymdeithasol sy'n cydlynu'r rhaglen Celfyddyd mewn Iechyd. Mae Baycrest yn ysbyty geriatrig ac yn gyfleuster gofal hirdymor yn Nhoronto. Bu Dan yn gweithio yno rhwng 2014 a 2018, lle y datblygodd ef a Melissa y syniadau a'r gweithgareddau sy'n ffurfio'r dull “storycare”. (