
Storytelling and Mothers

Mae'n ddrwg gennym gyhoeddi ein bod wedi gohirio Adrodd Storïau a Mamau yn unol â chyngor cyfredol iechyd y cyhoedd.  Byddwn yn diweddaru'r dudalen hon gyda dyddiadau newydd cyn gynted ag y gallwn.

Symposiwm Blynyddol Canolfan Adrodd Storïau George Ewart Evans 

3 a 4 Ebrill 2020

“Dydw i erioed wedi cwrdd â mam (a minnau’n eu plith) nad yw hi’n llawer mwy cymhleth, beirniadol, gwahanol i’r ystrydebau y mae hi i fod i’w hymgorffori, na’r hyn yr anogir hi – y cyfarwyddir hi – i feddwl” dywed Jacqueline Rose yn ei llyfr Mothers: An Essay on Love and Cruelty (2018). Yn y symposiwm hwn, rydym yn canolbwyntio ar y fam, i holi pwy a beth yw mam, er mwyn caniatáu iddynt adrodd eu hanes, archwilio’u profiadau a dathlu naratif amrywiol mamau y tu hwnt i’r ystrydebau a’r stereoteipiau. Mae adrodd ein storïau ein hunain fel mamau ac am famau neu bobl sy’n rhoi gofal, yn ein galluogi i roi siâp newydd ar ein hunaniaeth, a gwneud synnwyr o naratifau personol a diwylliannol rydyn ni’n gallu cael ein gosod ynddynt gan eraill.  Mewn storïau, mae mamau’n aml yn cael eu portreadu ddim ond yng nghyd-destun eu perthynas â gweithredoedd y prif gymeriad.   Rydyn ni’n cael ein cyflwyno i ffigurau mamol sydd naill ai’n llys-famau mileinig, yn bobl sy’n rhoi gofal mewn ffordd hynaws ond anobeithiol, yn dylwyth teg o famau bedydd neu’n ffigur “arall” distadl ond diddorol, ac mae’n rhaid i ni i gyd ein datod ein hunain o’r portreadau hyn. Yn y symposiwm hwn, ar y llaw arall, byddwn yn ystyried y profiad o fod yn fam drwy amrywiaeth helaeth o storïau gwahanol am famau a lle mae’r fam yn brif gymeriad.  Rydyn ni’n croesawu cyflwyniadau sy’n ystyried ffigur y fam a chrefft bod yn fam a chrefft rhoi gofal (heb fod yn gyfyngedig i fod yn fam fiolegol ac y gellir ei gyflawni gan unrhyw un, waeth beth yw ei statws rhianta, rhyw neu rywedd).  Rydym hefyd yn awyddus i archwilio storïau am golled, galar, anffrwythlondeb ac am ddewis bod heb blant.

Bydd y prif gyflwyniad yn cael ei roi gan Helen Simpson (awdur Four Bare Legs in a Bed (1990); Dear George (1995); Hey Yeah Right Get a Life (2000); Constitutional (2005); In-Flight Entertainment (2010); a Cockfosters (2015).  Mae siaradwyr eraill sydd wedi eu cadarnhau yn cynnwys Laura Godfrey-Isaacs (Artist, bydwraig ac actifydd geni) Christine Watkins (adroddwraig storïau), Dr Roiyah Saltus (Prifysgol De Cymru), Tracy Breathnach Evans (Artist perfformio ac ymchwilydd), a Dr Steve Killick (Seicolegydd Clinigol, Hyfforddwr ac Adroddwr Storïau).  Bydd noson o storïau yn cael ei pherfformio gan Chwedl, rhwydwaith adrodd storïau Menywod Cymru.

Mae’r symposiwm yn rhan o’r project Perfformio a Mamolaeth, project ymchwil 18 mis dan arweiniad Dr Emily Underwood-Lee (Prifysgol De Cymru) a Dr Lena Šimić (Prifysgol Edge Hill) gyda chefnogaeth Cyngor Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a’r Dyniaethau. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ynghylch y project Perfformio a Mamolaeth yma:  https://storytelling.research.southwales.ac.uk/research/performancematernal/

Rydym yn gwahodd cynigion am bapurau academaidd (15 munud), sesiynau panel (45 munud), gweithdai (45 munud) a pherfformiadau byr (hyd at 15 munud) ar gyfer pedwerydd symposiwm ar ddeg blynyddol Canolfan Adrodd Storïau George Ewart Evans ar thema adrodd storïau a mamau. Rydym yn chwilio am gyfraniadau sy’n ymwneud â  mamolaeth mewn perthynas ag adrodd storïau perfformiadol, adrodd storïau cymwysedig a naratif, mewn meysydd yn cynnwys, ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i: astudiaethau perfformiad; astudiaethau adrodd storïau; celf ar gyfer iechyd, lles a gofal cymdeithasol; astudiaethau mamolaeth; astudiaethau llenyddiaeth; a disgyblaethau perthnasol eraill. Hoffem gynnig cyfle i’n hystod eang o gefnogwyr, hynny yw, adroddwyr storïau ac ymarferwyr celfyddydau cysylltiedig, ymchwilwyr, gweithwyr cymunedol, gweithwyr ieuenctid, myfyrwyr ôl-radd, ac eraill, ac rydym yn croesawu fformatau cyflwyno blaengar.

Os hoffech chi gyfrannu, cyflwynwch grynodeb hyd at 300 o eiriau erbyn dydd Sul 23 Chwefror, i Georgina Biggs, Cynorthwyydd Ymchwil, Perfformio a Mamolaeth, e-bost: [email protected].  Rhowch fanylion eglur am ffurf a chynnwys eich cyflwyniad. Sylwer, er ein bod yn croesawu cynigion perfformio, na allwn ddarparu cymorth technegol, amser gosod na gofod ymarfer. Bydd disgwyl i bob cyfrannydd a ddewisir o’r galwad am gynigion dalu’r ffi cofrestru . 

We are sorry to announce that we have postponed Storytelling and Mothers in accordance current public health advice.  We will update this page with new dates as soon as we can.

George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling Annual Symposium

3rd and 4th April 2020

“I have never met a single mother (myself included) who is not far more complex, critical, at odds with the set of clichés she is meant to effortlessly embody, than she is being encouraged – or rather instructed – to think.” Jacqueline Rose writes in her book Mothers: An Essay on Love and Cruelty (2018). In this symposium we seek to place the mother centre stage, to question who and what a mother is, to allow them to tell their story, to explore their experience and to celebrate diverse maternal narratives beyond the clichés and stereotypes. Telling our own stories as and about mothers, or people who care, allows us to reconfigure our identity and to make sense of the personal and cultural narratives we find ourselves thrust into.  Within the realm of stories, mothers are too often only deemed relevant insofar as they propel the main character into action.  We are presented with mother figures as either wicked step-mother, benign but desperate caregiver, fairy godmother or abject and compelling ‘other’ from whom we have to psychically disentangle ourselves.  In this symposium we instead consider both maternal experience as articulated through a multiplicity of different mother stories and the mother as protagonist.  We welcome presentations that explore both the mother figure and the act of mothering and giving care (which is not limited to biological motherhood and can be undertaken regardless of sex, gender or parental status).  We are also keen to explore stories of maternal loss, grief, infertility and selective childlessness.

The keynote will be given by Helen Simpson (author of Four Bare Legs in a Bed (1990); Dear George (1995); Hey Yeah Right Get a Life (2000); Constitutional (2005); In-Flight Entertainment (2010); and Cockfosters (2015).  Other confirmed speakers include Laura Godfrey-Isaacs (Artist, midwife and birth activist) Christine Watkins (storyteller), Dr Roiyah Saltus (University of South Wales), Tracy Breathnach Evans (performance artist and researcher), and Dr Steve Killick (Clinical Psychologist, Trainer and Storyteller).  An evening of stories will be performed by Chwedl, the Women's storytelling network for Wales.

This symposium is taking place as part of the Performance and the Maternal project, an 18 month research project led by Dr Emily Underwood-Lee (University of South Wales) and Dr Lena Šimić (Edge Hill University) supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.  For more information on Performance and the Maternal visit https://storytelling.research.southwales.ac.uk/research/performancematernal/.  

We invite proposals for academic papers (15 minutes), panel sessions (45 minutes), workshops (45 minutes) and short performances (up to 15 minutes in length) for the fourteenth annual George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling symposium on the theme of storytelling and motherhood.  We are seeking contributions that address motherhood in relation to performance storytelling, applied storytelling and narrative in fields including, but not limited to: performance studies; storytelling studies; arts for health, wellbeing and social care; maternal studies; literary studies; and other related disciplines.  We would like to provide an opportunity to our wide range of attendees i.e. storytellers and practitioners from allied artforms, researchers, community workers, youth workers, post-graduate students and others, and welcome innovative formats for presentations.

If you would like to contribute, please submit abstracts of not more than 300 words by Sunday 23 February to Georgina Biggs, Research Assistant, Performance and the Maternal, email: [email protected].  Please make clear both the form and content of your presentation.  Please note, although we welcome proposals for performances we cannot provide technical support, get in time or rehearsal space.  All contributors selected from the call for papers will be expected to pay the conference registration fee.