Reducing Industrial Carbon Emission (RICE)




European Regional Development Fund, Swyddfa Cyllid Ewropeaidd Cymru (WEFO)

Tîm Ymchwil 

Ymchwilydd Arweiniol: Yr Athro Joseph Sobol

Partneriaid Allanol

Prifysgol Abertawe

Ar gyfer y prosiect hwn, rydym yn casglu storïau gan bobl sy’n gweithio i newid ein technolegau allyriadau carbon diwydiannol, o fewn diwydiant, polisi, arloesedd ynni a’r gymuned ehangach. Defnyddir y storïau hyn nid yn unig i rannu a lledaenu canfyddiadau’r prosiect RICE, ond hefyd fel ffordd o greu dealltwriaeth ystyrlon o ddeinameg strategaethau a thechnolegau allyriadau carbon sy’n newid yn yr amser a’r lle penodol hwn.

Mae’r prosiect RICE yn cael ei yrru gan gonsortiwm o ymchwilwyr a phartneriaid diwydiannol yn Ne a Gorllewin Cymru, a ariennir gan Swyddfa Cyllid Ewropeaidd Cymru (WEFO). Mae’n canolbwyntio ar gyflwyno newid trawsnewidiol trwy drosi prosesau arloesol i leihau allyriadau CO2 Cymru a lleihau defnydd ynni a deunydd crai Diwydiant Trwm Cymru. Bydd RICE yn galluogi creu busnes newydd ac yn lleihau’r rhwystr rhag mabwysiadu, gan arwain at fentrau busnes newydd, ac yn arwain at drosiad llwyddiannus ar gyfer prosesau ymchwil ac arloesedd i gynhyrchion, prosesau a gwasanaethau newydd a gwell.

Mae gan Ganolfan Adrodd Storïau George Ewart Evans hanes profedig o ran casglu a rhannu hanes dynol ar gyfer newid cymdeithasol mewn prosiectau, gan gynnwys 'Stories of Change: the past, present and future of energy’, a 'Communities 2.0’. Mae’r prosiect hwn yn adeiladu ar waith y Ganolfan ym maes adrodd storïau am newid cymdeithasol a stiwardiaeth amgylcheddol.




European Regional Development Fund

Research Team 

Lead Investigator: Professor Joseph Sobol

External Partners

Swansea University 

For this project we are capturing stories from people working to change our industrial carbon emission technologies, within industry, policy, energy innovation and the wider community. These stories will be used not only to share and disseminate the findings of the RICE project, but also as a means of generating meaningful understanding of the dynamics of changing carbon emissions strategies and technologies in this specific time and place.

The RICE project is driven by a consortium of researchers and industrial partners in South and West Wales, funded by the European Regional Development Fund. It focuses on delivering transformational change through the translation of innovative processes to reduce Wales’ CO2 emissions and decrease Welsh Heavy Industry’s energy & raw material consumption. RICE will enable the creation of new business and lower the barrier to adoption, resulting in new business start-up enterprises, and leading to the successful translation of research and innovation processes into new and improved commercial products, processes and services.

The George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling has a proven track record in capturing and sharing the human story of social change in projects including ‘Stories of Change: the past, present and future of energy’, and ‘Communities 2.0’. This project builds on the Centre’s work in the field of storytelling for social change and environmental stewardship.