Dyddiadau: 2016 a pharhaus
Tîm ymchwil: Ymchwilwyr: Dr Lena Simic (Edge Hill University). Dr Emily Underwood-Lee (USW). Cynorthwyydd Ymchwil: Georgina Biggs (USW)
AHRC / Canolfan Adrodd Storïau George Strand Evans / Sefydliad Ymchwil Diwydiannau Creadigol / Uned Ymchwil Drama Theatr a’r Cyfryngau / Prifysgol Edge Hill / Institute for the Art and Practice of Dissent at Home
Gwefan: https://performanceandthematernal.com/
Crynodeb: Mae gan bawb, mewn rhyw ffordd, berthynas â'r fam. Fel y mynnodd Adrienne Rich ein bod ni i gyd “of woman born” (Rich, 1996). Mae Bracha Ettinger yn nodi ein bod ni i gyd yn cario’r fam oddi fewn i ni, waeth a ydym wedi dewis dod yn famau neu beidio, oherwydd yr ydym i gyd yn cofio cael ein cario (Ettinger, 2006). Mae astudiaethau y fam fel disgyblaeth wedi bod yn datblygu yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf (cf Baraitser, 2009) ac mae wedi bod yn arbennig o ddylanwadol o fewn celf weledol (cf Betterton, 2014; Chernick a Klein 2011; Liss, 2009; Pollock, 1999;) a drama (cf Komporaly , 2007). Er gwaethaf perthnasedd y fam mae’n faes sydd wedi cael ei anwybyddu yn fras mewn Astudiaethau Perfformiad. Nod y prosiect ymchwil hwn yw ymchwilio i’r cwestiynau allweddol canlynol:
• Sut y gall perfformiad a’r fam groesi rhwystrau pynciau?
• Beth sy’n unigryw am gynrychiolaeth y fam mewn perfformiad?
• Beth y gall gofal iechyd, addysg, llesiant ac ymarferwyr eraill sydd â diddordeb yn y fam ac ysgolheigion astudiaethau perfformiad ac artistiaid ddysgu oddi wrth ei gilydd?
• Pa waith sydd eisoes yn bodoli yn yr ardaloedd hyn
Am fanylion llawn y canlyniadau gweler www.performanceandthematernal.com
• Underwood-Lee, E. and Simic, L. 2016 A
Study Room guide on Live Art and Motherhood. London: LADA.
• Underwood-Lee, E. and Simic, L (2019) ‘Returning to Ourselves:
Medea/Mothers’ Clothes and Patience one decade on’ in Marchevska, E. and
Walkerdine, V. (eds) Maternal
in creative work: Intergenerational discussions on motherhood and art.
Abingdon: Routledge.
• Underwood-Lee, E. (2018) ‘On Openings’, Performance
Research (23.4)
• Underwood-Lee, E. (2018) ‘Blooming flowers and stony stares: negotiating identity
through story’ in Willison, C. et al (eds) An
Introduction to Storytelling Stroud: The History Press.
• Simic, L and Underwood-Lee, E. (2017) ‘On the Maternal’, Performance
Research, (22.4).
• Simic, L and Underwood-Lee, E. (2016) ‘Performance and the Maternal’ Contemporary
Theatre Review (26.4).
• (2017) ‘Performance and the Maternal: motherhood in the live stage
encounter’, MAMSIE blog. Available at http://mamsie.org/mamsieblog/2017/05/performance-and-the-maternal/.
Dates: 2016 and ongoing
Research team: Investigators: Dr Lena Simic (Edge Hill University). Dr Emily Underwood-Lee (USW). Research Assistant: Georgina Biggs (USW).
Funders: AHRC / George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling / Creative Industries Research Institute / Theatre and Media Drama Research Unit / Edge Hill University / Institute for the Art and Practice of Dissent at Home
Website: https://performanceandthematernal.com/
Summary: Everyone, in some way, has a relationship to the maternal. As Adrienne Rich famously asserted we are all “of woman born” (Rich, 1996). Bracha Ettinger notes that we all carry the maternal within us, regardless of whether we have chosen to become mothers or not, because we all carry the memory of being carried (Ettinger, 2006). Maternal studies as a discipline has been developing in recent years (cf Baraitser, 2009) and has been particularly influential within visual art (cf Betterton, 2014; Chernick and Klein 2011; Liss, 2009; Pollock, 1999;) and drama (cf Komporaly, 2007). Despite the relevance of the maternal it is an area that has broadly been overlooked in Performance Studies. This research project aims to investigate the following key questions:
• How can performance and the maternal cross subject barriers?
• What is unique about the representation of the maternal in performance?
• What can healthcare, education, welfare and other practitioners with an interest in the maternal and performance studies scholars and artists learn from one another?
• What work already exists in these areas?
For full details of outcomes see www.performanceandthematernal.com
• Underwood-Lee, E. and Simic, L. 2016 A
Study Room guide on Live Art and Motherhood. London: LADA.
• Underwood-Lee, E. and Simic, L (2019) ‘Returning to Ourselves:
Medea/Mothers’ Clothes and Patience one decade on’ in Marchevska, E. and
Walkerdine, V. (eds) Maternal
in creative work: Intergenerational discussions on motherhood and art.
Abingdon: Routledge.
• Underwood-Lee, E. (2018) ‘On Openings’, Performance
Research (23.4)
• Underwood-Lee, E. (2018) ‘Blooming flowers and stony stares: negotiating identity
through story’ in Willison, C. et al (eds) An
Introduction to Storytelling Stroud: The History Press.
• Simic, L and Underwood-Lee, E. (2017) ‘On the Maternal’, Performance
Research, (22.4).
• Simic, L and Underwood-Lee, E. (2016) ‘Performance and the Maternal’ Contemporary
Theatre Review (26.4).
• (2017) ‘Performance and the Maternal: motherhood in the live stage
encounter’, MAMSIE blog. Available at http://mamsie.org/mamsieblog/2017/05/performance-and-the-maternal/.