Arts Council of England
Tîm ymchwilio :
Emily Underwood-Lee , Dr Brian Lobel (Rose Bruford), Emily Speed,
Anna Ledgard, Caroline
Allanol :
GOSH Arts, Great Ormond Street Hospital
Bu’r artistiaid Emily Underwood-Lee, Brian Lobel ac Emily Speed yn gweithio gyda rhieni yn Ysbyty Great Ormond Street (GOSH) a GOSH Arts i ystyried pwysigrwydd dod o hyd i ofod i chi’ch hun pan foch yn rhiant neu’n ofalwr i blentyn mewn ysbyty. Fe wnaeth Brian ac Emily Underwood-Lee rhoi perfformiadau erchwyn gwely ar gyfer rhieni yn y wardiau gwahanol, a holi i ble maen nhw’n mynd a beth maen nhw’n wneud i ofalu amdanyn nhw’u hunain tra yn GOSH. Defnyddiodd Emily Speed y wybodaeth a gasglwyd oddi wrth rieni i greu gwaith celf a oedd â’r nod o gefnogi rhieni i ofalu’n well amdanyn nhw’u hunain tra bo’r plant yn yr ysbyty.
Perfformiadau gyda 100 o rieni, gofalwyr a phlant yn GOSH.
Gwaith/gweithiau celf parhaol yn wardiau GOSH.
Adnodd sydd ar gael i holl rieni’r ysbyty.
Adnodd sydd ar gael i holl staff yr ysbyty.
Cyhoeddiad yn ystyried canfyddiadau’r ymchwil.
Adroddiad ar y project.
Roedd y project yn ymwneud â theuluoedd a staff yn GOSH, gan gynnwys grŵp amrywiol o bobl o wahanol ddiwylliannau, galluoedd, rhyw ac oed.
Roedd y sesiynau perfformiadol cyfranogol yn ymwneud yn benodol â rhieni a gofalwyr - drwy gyfranogi mewn sesiynau a chael profiad o’r gwaith/gweithiau celf cawsant eu hymbweru’n anffurfiol i ystyried hunanofal a siarad â’i gilydd am hynny.
Mae dros 300,000 o bobl yn ymweld â GOSH ar gyfartaledd bob blwyddyn, yn cynnwys plant, eu teuluoedd, staff cymorth, staff meddygol, gweinyddwyr ac eraill, a chawsant oll gyfle i ymwneud â’r gwaith/gweithiau celf cyhoeddus. Mae’r sgyrsiau a sbardunwyd gan y project yn parhau i ddylanwadu ar benderfyniadau a wnaed yn yr ysbyty a fydd yn gwella bywydau teuluoedd GOSH. Drwy strategaeth gydlynol ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, a chan ddefnyddio cyrhaeddiad rhyngwladol enfawr GOSH ar Twitter (101 o filoedd) ac Instagram (18 o filoedd), fe wnaethom greu cofnod digidol hawdd ei dreulio ac effeithlon o’r broses a’r gwaith/gweithiau celf, gan sicrhau y gall rhieni a gofalwyr a phawb sydd â diddordeb mewn eiriolaeth ar ran y celfyddydau ac iechyd ymwneud â Kicking Up Our Heels .
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth cysylltwch ag: Emily Underwood-Lee.
Arts Council of England
Research team:
Dr Emily
Underwood-Lee , Dr
Brian Lobel (Rose Bruford), Emily Speed, Anna Ledgard, Caroline
External Partners:
GOSH Arts, Great Ormond Street Hospital
Artists Emily Underwood-Lee, Brian Lobel and Emily Speed worked with parents at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and GOSH Arts to consider the importance of finding space for yourself when you’re a parent or a carer of a child in hospital. Brian and Emily Underwood-Lee staged performances at the bedside for parents across the wards asking where they go, and what they do to look after themselves when they are at GOSH. Emily Speed used the information gathered from parents to make an artwork which supports parents to care better for themselves when they are in the hospital.
Performances with 100 parents, carers and children at GOSH.
A permanent artwork/s situated in the wards at GOSH.
A resource available for all parents at the hospital.
A resource available for all staff at the hospital.
A publication exploring the research findings.
A project report.
The project engaged with families and staff at GOSH, comprising of a diverse group who cross cultures, abilities, genders and ages.
The performative participatory sessions engaged specifically with parents and carers - through participating in sessions and experiencing the artwork they were informally empowered to think about self-care and speak with each other about it.
GOSH has an average yearly footfall of over 300,000 which includes children, their families, support staff, medical staff, administrators, and others who have an opportunity to engage with the public artwork. The conversations generated by the project continue to inform decisions made in the hospital which will improve the lives of GOSH families. Through a coordinated social media strategy, and using GOSH’s huge international Twitter (101k) and Instagram (18k) reach, we created an easy to digest and an impactful digital record of the process and artwork, ensuring that parents and carers and all those interested in patient advocacy, healthcare and arts & health can engage with Kicking Up Our Heels.
For more information contact: Emily Underwood-Lee.